Manage Configuration

Manage Configuration

Manage Configuration

Admin can set up the OKR and performance phase setup based on their organization's needs. Go to the Configuration Menu from the left panel and select the Configuration menu.

Here you will see a list of configurations available for the platform. Select the phase from the left section and see the corresponding available default settings.

  1. OKRs

  2. 1:1 Conversation

    • 🎥 Learn to schedule 1:1 meeting
    • Allow 1:1 feedback post-meeting
    • Set cadence for your 1:1 meeting - You can select weekly, fortnightly or monthly
  3. Check-ins

    • 🎥 Learn to make check-ins on your OKRs
    • Allow the manager to share feedback on check-ins
    • Set cadence for your objectives check-ins - You can select weekly, fortnightly, or monthly
  4. Peer feedback for OKRs

    • 🎥 Request peer feedback on OKRs
    • Allow approval of feedback reviewer list by the Manager
    • Auto approval of feedback reviewer list for pending requests
  5. OKR Scoring

  6. Feedback About Manager

  7. Behaviour Assessment

  8. Reviews

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