

Calibration is a way to measure the performance evaluation during manager review. It helps managers to submit more accurate performance measurements.

Schedule Calibration:

  1. Log into huminos platform
  2. Go to Calibration menu under Reflections
  3. Click on Schedule Calibration
  4. In the Team member field, your manager details will be pre populated.
  5. Select date and time
  6. Fill in the agenda
  7. Click on Schedule 1:1 button

Submit Calibration:

  1. Log into huminos platform
  2. Go to Calibration menu under Reflections
  3. In the pending list you will be able to see calibrations that require your submission.
  4. Update the calibration rating if you wish to change or do nothing if you want it to be the same as given in manager review
  5. Add calibration notes for your chosen rating
  6. Click on the Submit button to submit calibration for approval by your manager.
  7. After successful submission you will be able to see this calibration in the Completed List.
  8. Click on Nudge button to nudge your manager to approve submitted calibration.

Approve/Reject Calibration:

  1. Log into huminos platform
  2. Go to Calibration menu under Reflections
  3. In the pending list you will be able to see calibrations that require your approval along with your submission pending calibrations.
  4. Add review note.
  5. Click on Approve if you wish to approve the calibration
  6. Click on Recalibrate if you wish calibration to be done again by your report.
  7. On approval, you will be able to see this calibration in the completed list.

Pending Calibrations:

  1. You can see all your pending calibrations here i.e. the ones that require your submission as well as the ones that require your approval.
  2. You can also see the calibrations which have pending manager review. Click on Start Review to submit manager review first in order to calibrate later.
  3. You can filter the list on the basis of your report and manager.
  4. On selecting a user, you can only the user’s calibration pending for your submission or your approval
  5. Click on the Nudge button if the user has not yet submitted calibration or not yet approved your submitted calibration.

Completed Calibrations:

  1. You can see all your submitted calibrations here i.e. the ones that have been submitted by you as well as the ones approved by you.
  2. You can filter the list on the basis of your report and manager.
  3. On selecting a user, you can only see the user’s completed calibration or approval pending calibration submitted by you.
  4. Click on the Nudge button if the user has not yet approved your calibration.
  5. Once a calibration is complete, a user can see manager review responses on their self review

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