360 Behaviour Assessment

360 Behaviour Assessment

360 Behaviour assessment is a powerful, objective process that can be used to assess the behaviour of any individual. It is used to evaluate and assess employee performance. It does not rely on one person's opinion but rather the opinions of everyone who interacts with that person, such as supervisors, peers, subordinates and customers. 

It has been found that 360 Behaviour Assessment can be beneficial for many reasons. It can increase transparency by giving people more insight into how they actually come across. It also helps teams feel more connected by sharing feedback from all members of the team.

Enable 360 Behaviour Assessment for your Organization

Admin on huminos platform, can enable/disable Behaviour Assessment for any of the OKR cycle inside a performance cycle. To enable behaviour assessment for your current performance cycle, please follow the below steps:

 Go to Cycles menu on Admin panel
 Click on the Manage button next to the performance cycle
 Select the OKR cycle for which behaviour assessment need to be activated

Once you enable the Behaviour Assessment for the OKR cycle, you can define the date from which the phase starts and users will start receiving notifications from the huminos platform to submit their own assessment on exhibited behaviours and nominate other users for their assessment.

Key configurations to manage Behaviour Asessment for Orgainzation

Behaviour Assessment Phase Configuration
 Allow nominees to add comments on the rating they have provided for the user
 Sources of Behavior Assessment ( User can nominate these people for the behaviour assessment )
      1) Self
      2) Manager - Direct manager for the user
      3) Team - User who are reporting to the same manager
      4) Colleagues - User within your company
      5) Outside your company - Users who are not a part of your company 
 Start date for the behavior assessment - Users will be notified by the platform to start behavior assessment 
 Set reminder start date for the nominees to submit the assessment on pending requests
 Submission date till the assessment can be submitted
 Customize the notification messages
 Advance configuration for nudges/reminders

Behaviour Assessment Ratings
Admin can manage the rating for the questions of behaviour assessment. To manage the ratings of the behaviour assessment
 Go to the Settings menu on the admin panel
 Click on the Ratings tab
 Add, edit or delete the ratings

Behaviour Assessment Questions
We provide a default questions for the behaviour assessment. Admin on huminos, can manage questions for their organizations. To manage the questions, please follow the below steps:
 Go to the Manage menu on the admin panel
 Select the Templates sub-menu under Manage menu
 Select the Feedback tab and Manage the questions under Behaviour Assessment

 You can edit or delete the existing questions of the feedback
 You can add maximum 6 questions for the feedback

Start Behaviour Assessment

Users will receive a nudge on the huminos platform to start the behaviour assessment for the current OKR cycle. To start the behaviour assessment, please follow the below steps:

 Go to the Behaviours sub-menu under the Reflections menu on the platform
 In the Pending tab, you will see the request to submit your own self assessment and the requests to which you have been nominated
 Click on Start Assessment button
 Provide rating for all the questions and click on Next

 After self assessment, nominate other users who will be providing their assessment on the behaviours exhibited by you
 You can nominate your manager, team and other users within your company or outside the company by entering thier email

 After the nominations, user will see all incoming requests in the Pending tab
 Click on Start Assessment button to complete the Behaviour Assessment for other users

 All completed assessments are visible in the Completed tab
 Users outside your company will receive a link to submit Behaviour Assessment for the request user
 huminos platform will send reminders to the users to complete their submission before the completion date
 Once the Behaviour Assessment phase is over, user can see the result inside the Summary section
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