Weighted Key Results

Weighted Key Results

What are Weighted Key Results?

Objective owner can define the specific weights for their key results that specifies their progress contribution towards their parent objective. Weights to key results define the priority and importance of the key result in achieving the progress of objective.

How to add weighted key results

Enable weights for your company
  1. Go to Admin → Settings → OKR Controls tab
  2. Enable weights on key results to allow users to add weights to their OKRs

Add weights to key results
  1. Go to check-in page under OKRs menu
  2. Go to the 3 dots (action button) near to objective and select Manage weights
  3. You will see all the key results with equal weights
  4. Change the weights of the key result based on their contribution (it should always sum up to 100%)
  5. Click on Save.

Weights can be applied to only those key results that are contributing to the parent objective progress. If their contribution is disabled, you can not assign weight to them. Assigning 0 weight means that progress of the key result will not impact the progress of the parent objective.
You will be able to see the weights of each key result under their objective with respective key result. Each check-in update against the parent objective will be based on the contribution weight of the key result.

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