OKR Scoring

OKR Scoring

OKR scoring is actually a step towards your end of quarter reflection, which is a major exercise as part of any OKR cycle in general. OKR scores are really a reflection of how things went in the past quarter, reduced to a single number given by the OKR owner or their Manager.

Enable OKR scoring for your organisation

Enable the scoring phase in OKR cycle
  1. Go to the cycles menu and select a OKR cycle
  2. Enable the OKR scoring phase of the cycle and configurations
  3. Click on Save

If you don't enable the option of user and manager to override the default scoring then the default scoring will be calculated based on the progress of the key result.

Configure the OKR score rules
  1. Go to Settings menu
  2. Select the tab OKR Scoring scale
  3. You can change the colour scheme, label and range of the score based on the progress of the objective
  4. Scoring scales can be defined specific for aspirational and committed OKRs
  5. Click on Save. 

OKR Scoring

The score of the OKR will be visible at the end of the OKR cycle based on the configuration. The default score is calculated based on the progress of the key result. Example: If a key result has completed 80% of progress then the score will be 0.8 and the label will be Exceeds.

User can start scoring his key results and add remarks for changed score for the key result. Assume a key result is achieved only 50% but due to the pandemic situation the user score it as 0.8 in exceeds category and they can write their remarks which is visible to the manager.

  1. Click on the default score against each key result (only the key result owner can change the score)
  2. Select the score you would like to change or keep it as it is
  3. Enter the remarks and Save

OKR Scored by the user has a user icon which specifies that key result is scored by the user. Once a OKR is scored by the user, no further check-in are allowed.

Manager can override this score by clicking on the score and provide their score and remarks for the progress of the key result. Manager score can override the score given by the user.

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