Co-ownership Of Objectives

Co-ownership Of Objectives

Co-ownership feature allows organisation to collaborate on key priority objectives with multiple owners with equal ownership. When both the owners are supposed to own and work towards the outcomes, it is good to tag multiple stakeholders and not just a single owner as accountable. If a objective can be assigned to single owner, it should always be the first option.

Enable multi ownership of Objectives 

  1. Go to Admin → Settings → OKR Controls tab
  2. Enable co-ownership of objectives and click on Save

Create Multi Ownership Objectives

To create a objectives with multiple owners, below are the steps
  1. Go to Check-ins page under OKRs menu
  2. Click on Add Objective button
  3. At the time of objective owners, you will be able to search and assign multiple owners
  4. You all need to assign a check-in owner who will be responsible for check-in updates
  5. Enter the details and click on Save

This Objectives is visible to both the owners and their managers on their OKR list page and the check-in owner can make progress update on it.

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