Work Items Alignment

Work Items Alignment

  1. What are Work Items?

    Work Items are deliverables or day to day activities performed out the Kundge OKR tool. In order to achieve his or her OKRs, an employee may be doing all or some of the below activities:

    • Attend meetings
    • Respond to emails in Microsoft Outlook, Google Mail
    • Collaborate with team members in Microsoft Teams
    • Prepare documents using Google Suite or Microsoft Excel, Word or PowerPoint
    • Plan and track activities in Microsoft Planner, Google Tasks
    • Complete activities in tools like JIRA, Zoho
  2. Where can I see all Work Items at one place?

    Click on Work Item Alignment link in the Home page of the Kundge OKR tool

  3. Why is it important to link Work Items to my OKRs?

    In the absence of continuous measurement or tracking, performance conversations are often driven by perception and bias versus driven by facts and data.

    Alignment of the key work items to your OKRs brings transparency and objectivity to performance conversations.

  4. Can I delete a Work Item after linking to an OKR?

    Yes. You can modify or delete a work item that is linked to an OKR.

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