Values and Behaviours

Values and Behaviours

  1. What are values and behaviours?

    Values are set of core behaviours that are aligned to the vision and mission of a company. These values or behaviours define and amplify the culture within a company.

  2. Why is it important to call out values or behaviours demonstrated by a team member?

    Linking values to the feedback or recognition shared or calling out the positive behaviours demonstrated helps reinforce a company's culture. Managers should consciously practice calling out positive behaviours demonstrated by a team member.

  3. Can I add values?

    As an admin you can add your company values and a brief description against each value.

  4. Can I delete values?

    As an admin you can delete your company values.

  5. As a manager, where can I link values?

    You can link values when giving feedback to your team members.

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