Pulse FAQs

Pulse FAQs

What is Pulse?

Pulse is a comprehensive tool to gauge organisation's culture and measure Employee Engagement Index(EEI) of the organisation.

How does it work ? What is the methodology involved?

Pulse is a product of our years experience in the employee engagement industry, and our research, practice, and data gathered while serving thousands of organizations worldwide. It captures employees’ feedback by sending them unique periodic surveys across eight dimensions designed to measure their engagement and loyalty towards the organization exclusively. The surveys are deftly permuted, short and triggered via Microsoft Teams app.

What are the eight dimensions? What is the significance?

Employee engagement and loyalty are measured completely using these eight dimensions -

  • Recognition
  • Well Being
  • Personal Growth
  • Belonging
  • Collaboration
  • Alignment
  • Communication
  • Leadership

How is the pulse survey different from the annual employee survey?

A pulse survey gives a quick insight into company’s health, hence the name pulse. It promotes feedback culture, generates high response rates and therefore is more actionable in comparison to the annual employee survey.

  • Annual Employee Survey

    Pulse Survey

  • Yearly or relatively longer time spans for review

    Real-time measurement of employee engagement and satisfaction

  • Long , Infrequent and Tiresome surveys

    Short, Frequent(weekly) and User-friendly surveys

Can I add/delete dimensions ?

You will not be able to add any more dimensions to the existing set. Also, you can't remove any dimension, as it is crucial to observe all of these dimensions to get a comprehensive and clear insight into the company’s health.

What is the difference between moving average and weekly average ? Is weekly average a variance of moving average ?

Moving average is essentially the average of weekly averages over a specified period. You can choose to view moving average over various time periods like monthly, yearly, etc., while weekly average remains the same.

What is EEI?

The pulse of an organization is its culture and how engaged are its employees. Employee Engagement Index (EEI) measures the pulse of an organization’s culture across eight dimensions – Recognition, Wellbeing, Personal Growth, Belonging, Collaboration, Alignment, Communication, and Leadership, by calculating the average employee response to the 64 questions in the dimension set. Also, the ratings come with a meaningful description of what they signify about company’s performance and standing.

Can the employees choose to skip any question in a particular survey?

No, the survey would not proceed further till the user answers the current question.

Is the pulse survey completely anonymous?

The individual response registered by an employee is completely anonymous and is not visible to even the company admin. The data is aggregated and used for analytics which are useful for the company to initiate appropriate actions. There is no way to know any single user’s response to the survey.

Can we make the analytics public ?

No, the analytics are entirely confidential and meant to be used as a betterment tool for the organisation. Making them public for any reason might kill that purpose.

Can I customise the frequency of the pulse survey ?

No, the surveys are sent on a weekly basis to the employees.

How much data collection (in terms of weeks) is required before I can observe a meaningful statistic?

We recommend you to observe the analytics after eight weeks to draw meaningful and productive conclusions. Also, you should encourage all your employees to take the surveys regularly.

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      Pulse Survey ​