Pulse Dimensions and Methodology

Pulse Dimensions and Methodology

Capture The Employee Engagement Index!

Employee Engagement Index (EEI) measures the pulse of an organization’s culture across eight crucial dimensions.

These dimensions are an aspect of the organisation’s culture. The surveys are completely anonymous hence capture genuine and fruitful insight for the organization.

It is a universally renowned score to capture employee feedback on organization and resultantly his/her willingness to perform and retain position in the company. For further reading -

Sheila Margolis Employee Engagement Index

Employee Engagement Index

European Commission - EEI

The following are the key dimensions around which an organisation’s culture is measured:

Pulse DimensionsPulse Dimensions

The questions marked with star are Power questions -

  • Power Questions are a few selectively chosen questions from the given question set for providing further insight.
  • After the selection of a suitable response, the user gets a feedback question.
  • The Feedback question urges the user to type in the reason for her/his score(in response to the question). For eg. if the user gives the response as 5, she/he would be asked the reason for their satisfaction in that particular dimension question and vice versa.
  • It is an amazing way to capture employees’ grievances or commendations with the company.

Dimensions & questions against each dimension is explained below.

The questions are in the form of assertions for which a user is asked to choose one of the following responses (on a scale of 1 to 5) -


This dimension of an organization’s culture measures timeliness, frequency and the amount of recognition from peers, managers, and team. They are asked to rate their agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5.

  • I am adequately recognised at my workplace ** (Power Question)
  • I get recognised in a timely manner
  • I receive adequate recognition for my work by my Manager
  • I receive adequate recognition for my work by the members of my team
  • I have a simple and easy mechanism to recognise my peers
  • I recognise my peers adequately
  • I recognise my peers in a timely manner
  • I feel that my organisation has a culture of recognition


This dimension of an organization’s culture measures stress levels, organization’s and manager’s sensitivity towards work-life balance. They are asked to rate their agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5.

  • I have a healthy balance between my work and personal life ** (Power Question)
  • My organization promotes an efficient work culture
  • I do not experience high stress levels at my work ** (Power Question)
  • My organization has flexible policies that enable better work life balance
  • My Manager is sensitive to my work life balance
  • My team members support in achieving my work life balance
  • I support my team members in their work life balance
  • I am always enthusiastic for my upcoming work day


This dimension of an organization’s culture measures challenging work, autonomy, timely feedback to grow, training, new skills and career development by asking for their response on a scale of 1 to 5 on the following assertions -

  • My work challenges me adequately ** (Power Question)
  • I have sufficient autonomy in my workplace
  • I feel I have enough growth opportunities in this organisation
  • I get timely feedback about my areas of improvement
  • I have opportunities to learn new skills at work
  • I get adequate training to do my job
  • I know what is required to be done for my career advancement
  • I get opportunities to interact with experts to upgrade by knowledge


This dimension measures employee pride for an organization, respect for people, fairness and transparency of policies, trust for peers and fulfillment from work. They are asked to rate their agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5

  • I am proud to be part of this organisation ** (Power Question)
  • I have many coworkers whom I can call friends
  • I respect the people that I work with
  • Policies in my organisation are fair and transparent
  • I trust my Manager
  • I trust my peers
  • I derive a sense of fulfilment from my work
  • I would recommend my organisation to a friend


This dimension measures cross-functional communication, teamwork, and access to colleagues for assistance. They are asked to rate their agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5

  • Employees in my organization assist their colleagues as and when required
  • There is a smooth cross functional communication in the organisation
  • I receive assistance from colleagues whenever I need it.
  • The organisation adequately promotes teamwork ** (Power Question)
  • I know whom to reach out to for assistance on any issue
  • I assist colleagues who reach out to me for assistance
  • Cross functional teams work effectively in my organisation
  • Employees treat each other with respect ** (Power Question)


Alignment dimension measures understanding of long-term vision, the voice in critical issues, resolution of differences with peers, company values, and shared goals by asking for their response on a scale of 1 to 5 on the following assertions -

  • I am clear about my role in the organisation
  • I understand the long term vision of our organisation
  • My Leaders speak in one voice on critical issues
  • My Manager and I agree on my key deliverables
  • I believe in the values of our organisation ** (Power Question)
  • Do your colleagues believe they are working towards a common goal
  • Do your colleagues live by the values of the organisation
  • I find it easy to resolve differences with peers


This dimension measures frequency, consistency, clarity and contextual facets of communication by leaders, managers, and peers. They are asked to rate their agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5

  • Changes in the organisation that affect me are clearly communicated to me
  • How would you describe the frequency of leadership communication
  • I feel that I can voice my opinion in the organisation without fear
  • There is a mechanism for two way communication in the organisation ** (Power Question)
  • I feel that my voice is heard within the organization
  • My organisation uses new generation communication media effectively
  • I have regular interactions with my Manager
  • I can freely communicate with my Manager


This dimension measures the authenticity, trust, transparency, and approachability of leadership within the organization. They are asked to rate their agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5

  • I have trust in the leadership of the organisation ** (Power Question)
  • I have role models in the organisation that I look upto
  • Leaders of the organisation walk the talk
  • I feel that leaders care about employee well being
  • Leaders are fair and transparent
  • Leaders understand the industry we operate in
  • Leaders are receptive to employee feedback
  • Leaders in the organisation are approachable

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