OKR Cycle and Timeline

OKR Cycle and Timeline

  1. What is OKR Cycle?

    OKR cycle is the period during which your company wishes to set and achieve its objectives and the key results within those objectives.

  2. Typically how long will be an OKR cycle?

    Typical OKR cycles are quarterly or half yearly.

  3. What are the various steps involved in an OKR cycle?

    The following steps are involved in an OKR cycle:

    1. Planning and setting up OKRs at company, team and individual levels
    2. Aligning of OKRs
    3. Check-Ins
    4. 1:1 Conversations
    5. End of Cycle peer feedback
    6. Feedback to manager
    7. Recognitions
    8. Reflections
    9. Calibration of ratings
    10. Pulse survyes
  4. What is timeline?

    Timeline is a visual representation of the OKR cycle. You can view the timeline by clicking the timeline icon next to the OKR cycle name on the Check-Ins & Progress page under the OKRs link on the Home page.

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