OKR Controls

OKR Controls

OKR Visibility Controls

huminos platform allows an organization to set OKR visibility controls. This control allows the users to view the objective of everyone in the company or restrict it to their manager, peers, and reporters. The same control is applicable for the alignment of OKRs.

To make changes to the visibility controls
  1. Go to Admin  Settings
  2. Select the tab OKR Controls
  3. Choose the option
    1. Restricted - Users will be able to see the OKRs of their manager, peers ( who report to your manager ), and your direct reports.
    2. Public - Users can view the Objectives of any user in the organization and align their objectives with them.
  4. Click on Save

OKR Category Controls

huminos admin can configure what type of Objective they want for their organization. huminos platform can be customized to support all three types of objectives that is organizational, team, or individual OKRs or any specific. They can also configure who should be able to add Organizational OKRs for their company.

To make changes for the OKR category that your organization supports
  1. Go to Admin  Settings
  2. Select the tab OKR Controls
  3. Choose the type for which the user can add, edit, align, or delete the OKRs.
    1. Organization ( You can also specify who should be able to add Organization OKRs)
    2. Team 
    3. Individual
  4. Click on Save

Custom OKR Tab

huminos admin can enable a new tab for users to view specific type of OKRs. This can be used to increase visibility of important OKRs like organisation OKRs. They can also configure the tab name and type of OKRs to be show in this section.

To enable and configure custom OKR tab
  1. Go to Admin  Settings
  2. Select the tab OKR Controls
  3. Scroll down to Custom OKR Tab
  4. Enter the name to the tab
  5. Choose the type of OKRs to be listed under this tab from the following options
    1. Category
      1. Organization
      2. Team
      3. Individual 
    2. Type
      1. Aspirational
      2. Committed
  6. Check activate tab for your company.
  7. Click on Save
Users will only be able to view OKRs in the custom tab and will not be allowed to perform any actions on the listed OKRs

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