

  1. What are nudges?

    Nudges are contextual reminders that elicit desired responses from the users. OKR process and steps require discipline so that desired outcomes are achieved.

    Nudges help managers and team members to take timely actions. For example, weekly 1:1 conversations, monthly check-ins etc.

  2. Where can I see all nudges at one place?

    Yes. You can click on the Nudges tab to see all your pending, upcoming and responded nudges at one place.

  3. Can I adjust the frequency of nudges?

    Yes. As an admin you can adjust the frequency of nudges.

  4. Can I delete a nudge?

    No. You cannot delete a nudge.

  5. Can I add a nudge?

    No. Nudges are deeply linked to the OKR cycle and they cannot be added or deleted

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