Customise Messages and Nudges

Customise Messages and Nudges

huminos messages/nudges are highly customisable and provides capabilities to configures different messages in a simple manner. You can customise nudge message by changing default values of below parts of the Nudge.
  1. Heading - use this field for heading for the message.
  2. Sub heading - use this field for brief information for the message.
  3. Image - An image relevant to the message
  4. Message text - use this field for any detailed information to be sent
To customise any message, follow these steps
  1. Go to Admin —> Settings —> Messages tab
  2. Navigate to the message you wish to change
  3. Change Default Values as shown below. Atleast one of the fields i.e. heading, sub heading or message text is required
    1. Heading -  To change this, click on Heading field and enter your text
    2. Sub Heading - To change this, click on sub heading and enter your text
    3. Image - Click on X to remove the default image and upload your own image
    4. Message Text - Click on the field below image and enter your text
  4. Every message has its specific placeholders which can be used to populate dynamic data like user name or cycle name
  5. Click on preview to see the final message without placeholders
  6. Click on Save button

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