Microsoft Teams App

Microsoft Teams App

  1. Can I integrate Kundge OKR with Microsoft Teams?

    Yes. Knudge OKR tool is available for Microsoft Teams. For details on how to integrate, check out our detailed documentation on Integrations.

  2. Can I link a post in Teams Channel to an OKR?

    Yes. You can link a post in any Teams Channel to an OKR.

  3. Can I share progress against my OKRs in Teams channel?

    Yes. You can share your progress with any Teams channel.

  4. What is Small Talk?

    Kundge OKR tool for Microsoft Teams comes with a chatbot integration. You can interact with the chatbot to perform most of the tasks.

    Small Talk feature allows you to customise the interactions with the chatbot when users ask the chatbot trivial questions like "how are you?", "what is the weather?" etc.

    To customise Small Talk interactions of the chatbot, Click on Admin—>Settings—>AI-ML tab and click on the manage button of the Small Talk widget.

  5. What is Smart Talk?

    Kundge OKR tool for Microsoft Teams comes with a chatbot integration. You can interact with the chatbot to perform most of the tasks.

    Smart Talk feature allows you to customise the interactions with the chatbot when users ask the chatbot Kundge OKR tool questions like "how can I add my OKRs?", "where are my OKRs?" etc.

    To customise Smart Talk interactions of the chatbot, Click on Admin—>Settings—>AI-ML tab and click on the manage button of the Smart Talk widget.

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