Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

huminos integration for  Microsoft Teams allows an organization to use a complete ORK system within Microsoft Teams.
All of the huminos platform features are embedded as a tab view for users and admins along with the chatbot integration that allows instant nudges and reminders natively on Teams application.

How to Install huminos application in Microsoft Teams?

Please follow the simple steps to install the integration

Please be careful about selecting the Team/Channel while installing the Teams app as during trial, members of this channel will receive messages of the default sample OKR cycle.
1. Go to the Apps section in the Microsoft Teams and search for the huminos app  
2. Open the huminos app and click on Add
3. You will receive a Welcome message from huminos app
4. Install the huminos app into a channel
5. Once your app is added to the channel, you can start using the app in Microsoft Teams

huminos App Trial

Once you add the huminos app into your Teams account, you need to add the bot into a Team.
During trial period, you can add the bot into an existing team or create a new team with test users for the evaluation.

To simplify the evaluation of trial, we add some test users and an OKR cycle so that you can experience all the below phases during the 14 day trial window

An OKR cycle consists of the following phases:
  1. OKR Setup
  2. OKR Alignment
  3. 1:1 Conversation
  4. Check-in Progress
  5. Ad-hoc Feedback & Peer Feedback on OKRs
  6. Feedback to Manager
  7. Self Review
  8. Manager Review
  9. Calibration
To test the automatic nudges sent by huminos platform on Microsoft Teams chat, update notification preference to All Messages in admin section.  

Go to Settings menu in Admin Section and click on Notifications Preference tab to enable all notification.

Once you are have completed the trial you can delete the dummy data and create a new performance cycle for your company. 

Steps to go live with huminos for all users

  1. Delete the dummy data from the platform. It will delete all the test users and dummy cycle.
  2. Create a new performance and OKR cycle based on your company
  3. Add the huminos bot into a Team where all users are present
  4. Activate the cycle to start the OKR phases

huminos Microsoft Teams app features

huminos platform can be integrated completely inside Microsoft Teams as chatbot integration. With this application on MS Teams, users and admins can perform all activities  without having to switch away. huminos chatbot in Teams helps organizations stay on for their performance goal with continuous feedback, performance reviews, and nudges.

Below is the list of nudges sent by the bot for a performance cycle:

  1. Setup OKR - The chatbot sends notifications to the users for setting up their objective for the selected performance cycle either quarterly or half-yearly.
  2. Approve OKR - Once the user set their objectives for the cycle, the managers receive an instant notification and timely reminders to review and approve the objective for their reporters
  3. OKR Alignment - Users are reminded to align their Objectives with company and teams objective for the cycle
  4. Schedule 1:1 Meeting - Managers are notified to schedule a 1:1 Meeting with their reports based on the configured period set up by the company admin. This meeting helps the manager to understand the progress on the objective and provide their feedback.
  5. Check-in Progress - Users receive timely nudges from the bot to update their check-in progress that is shared with their managers.
  6. Initiate Feedback - Users can use the ad-hoc feedback from peers and feedback on their progress on their objective from the managers.
  7. Self Review - huminos bot pings the users to start their self-review for the selected performance cycle and send it to their managers.
  8. Manager Feedback - Users can use this bot to share their manager feedback for the selected cycle
  9. Schedule Calibration - The huminos bot send nudges to the managers to schedule calibration meeting with their reports for final performance rating.

Apart from the performance cycle, the huminos chatbot is also used for:
  1. Share Meeting Notes - Once a 1:1 Meeting is over, the chatbot reminds the participants to share their notes for the meeting
  2. Learn with OKR Coach - The chatbots sends learning videos on a different topic to learn about OKR terminology and concepts to educate their workforce with a short quiz
  3. Weekly Pulse Survey - Users can provide their response to the weekly pulse surveys which are anonymous

huminos Home Tab

The Home allows users to perform any activity related to their performance cycle. Users can create objectives, view all company/team objectives, align objectives,  share progress via check-ins, schedule 1:1 meetings, share/request ad-hoc feedback, align their work items, view pending nudges, pending pulse surveys, and many more.  Please visit OKR Management to know more details about each section.

huminos Admin Tab

Please note only huminos admin can log in into this tab. All other users who don't have any admin role will see an access denied page.
The Admin tab allows the admin to manage the huminos platform for your company. They can change the configurations, set up the performance cycle, edit nudge messages, view analytics and reports, create teams and manage users, send campaigns, manage the integrations, and many more based on their assigned role. To know more details about each feature, please visit the documentation here about  huminos ConfigurationsData AdministrationUser and ControlsIntegrationsManage Pulse SurveysCampaigns, and  Reports & Analytics.

For any questions or concerns regarding the huminos please reach out to us at

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