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Microsoft OneDrive
huminos Microsoft OneDrive Integration allows users to attach a reference of their files on Microsoft OneDrive to their objective for the current cycle. This attachment reference can be used later by the user and their manager during 1:1 Conversation ...
Microsoft Word
huminos add-in for Microsoft Word allows the users to tag their work directly to their planned objectives for the current performance cycle. These files are attached to the objective as activities that are used for objective progress by users and ...
Microsoft PowerPoint
huminos add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint allows the users to tag their work directly to their planned objectives for the current performance cycle. These files are attached to the objective as activities that are used for objective progress by users ...
Microsoft Excel
huminos add-in for Microsoft Excel allows the users to tag their work directly to their planned objectives for the current performance cycle. These files are attached to the objective as activities that are used for objective progress by users and ...
Microsoft Outlook
huminos add-in for Microsoft Outlook allows the users to tag their email directly to their planned objectives for the current performance cycle. These mails are attached to the objective as activities that are used for objective progress by users and ...