KPI Library

KPI Library

KPI stands for a performance measure that can be used to track the progress of an objective over time. KPIs provide a way for teams to set goals and track their progress. This information can help everyone in the organization make better decisions. KPI helps businesses track progress and make strategic decisions across all areas of HR, finance, sales, and product development.

To achieve your strategic business outcomes, focus on tracking key performance indicators (KPIs). These indicators will show you how well you're doing and help you make adjustments as needed. Your KPIs help you focus on what’s important, and support your overall strategy.

Huminos platform helps organization's to track this KPI with their Objectives & Key results. Here you will know about Huminos KPI Library and how can you manage it for your company.

Enable KPI tracking with key results

By default, the KPI tracking is enable for your account. To enable KPI tracking with key results, please enable it from the configuration menu on admin side.
→ Go to Configuration Menu
→ Select OKRs
→ Enable the KPI tracking option from the OKR Controls tab
→ Click on Save button to make the changes

Manage KPI Library

Huminos provides 100+ KPI example categorised with different KPI category (Department KPIs). All the active KPIs are available for the users to track with their key results for the cycle. As an admin, you can do the following actions with KPI Library

→ Enable and disable the KPI category
→ Enable and disable the KPI with KPI category
→ Create custom KPI category for your company
→ Create custom KPI within existing KPI category or custom KPI category
 Edit custom KPI category and KPI
→ Delete custom KPI category and KPI

You will be able to see the Custom tag with KPI which are specific to your organisation. You will be able to delete the custom KPI and category. 

All the KPI category and KPI that are active in your instance will be available for the users to tag with their key results.
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