

 Introduction to HubSpot integration
Huminos provides integration with HubSpot to automatically update progress of OKRs which are tracked in HubSpot.

Admin of Huminos and HubSpot platform can configure this integration.

Enabling the HubSpot integration

Step 1. Go to the integrations menu inside the Admin section of the huminos platform (Admin -> Integrations). Under Progress Tracking Integrations, select HubSpot.

Step 2: Click Connect.

Step 3: If you have multiple HubSpot accounts, You will be directed to the page where you will be selecting the name of the HubSpot account. If you have a single account, skip to step 4
Step 4: Click on connect app to install the application in HubSpot

On successful app integration, you will start seeing Connect to a data source option while adding/updating your objectives.

Connecting HubSpot to an OKR

Once you have configured the connection, the next step is to start linking OKRs to the contacts and tickets in HubSpot.

-> While creating or editing an OKR, click on Connect to data source. From the drop down menu, select HubSpot.

 -> Select a connection, and Select target dates for which date is to be fetched from HubSpot

-> Choose the user for which you want to fetch data from HubSpot

-> Choose the tracking metric using which you want to measure the progress.

-> Click save and continue with creating your objective
Refer to the data beneath for more details on the HubSpot tracking metrics supported.
  • Number of Tickets 
  • Number of Closed Tickets
  • Number of Leads
  • Number of Contacts
  • Number of Marketing Qualified Leads
  • Number of Sales Qualified Leads  
Huminos pulls in new updates from HubSpot every day. However, you can also manually refresh to pull in any new changes.

Remove Huminos Hubspot Integration

Admin on the Huminos platform can disable or delete a HubSpot connection from the admin -> Integration section. 
-> Click on the HubSpot integration
-> Click on the Disconnect button to remove Huminos HubSpot integration