

Introduction to Freshdesk integration

 Huminos provides integration with Freshdesk to get progress updated without having to switch away. Huminos Freshdesk integration allows users to connect their goals and have them automatically update progress when Freshdesk is updated. Admin on huminos platform can create a connection between huminos and Freshdesk.


Enabling the Freshdesk integration

Step 1. Go to the integrations menu inside the Admin section of the Huminos platform (Admin -> Integrations). Under Progress Tracking Integrations, select Freshdesk. 


Step 2: Click Add Connection.

Step 3: Enter the Freshdesk Connection Name, Freshdesk Domain, and the API Key generated from Freshdesk.The instructions for generating an API token for your Freshdesk cloud account is described here.

Step 4: Click Save.

While in most cases one connection is enough, Huminos allows you to connect with multiple Freshdesk instances. Click Add connection’ to add another instance. You can add names to your connections to differentiate them. These names are displayed to members when they link their OKRs to Freshdesk.
On successful app integration, you will start seeing Connect to a data source option while adding/updating your objectives.



Connecting the Freshdesk connection to an OKR

Once you have configured the connection, the next step is to start linking OKRs to the stories or epics in Freshdesk.
While creating or editing an OKR, click on Connect to data source. From the drop down menu, select Freshdesk.

Select a connection, and Select target dates for which date is to be fetched from Freshdesk

Choose the agent for which you want to fetch data from Freshdesk

Choose the tracking metric using which you want to measure the progress.

Click save and continue with creating your objective


Refer to the data beneath for more details on the Freshdesk tracking metrics supported.
  1. Number of tickets - Progress is calculated based on the total number of tickets for the agent between the specified dates
  2. Number of resolved tickets - Progress is calculated based on the total number of resolved tickets for the agent between the specified dates

Huminos pulls in new updates from Freshdesk every 60 minutes. However, you can also manually refresh to pull in any new changes.


Remove Huminos Freshdesk Integration

Admin of the Huminos platform can disable or delete a Freshdesk connection from the admin -> Integration section. 
  1. Click on the Freshdesk integration
  2. Click on the Delete icon to delete Freshdesk connection
  3. Click on the Green toggle button to disable the connection