

Huminos platform allows the users to track progress of their key results using Asana integration.
User can enable the Asana integration and associate Asana tasks with key results in Huminos and the completion of tasks updates the progress of the key results.

Activate Asana integration for your company

Admin of Huminos platform can activate the Asana integration for their organization.  To activate, please follow the below steps

1. Go to the Admin menu from the left navigation menu
2. Select Integrations menu
3. Select Asana integration from the progress tracking integrations
4. Click on Activate button and Save

Integrate Asana tasks with key results

User can associate Asana tasks with their key results to update the progress of the key results. Once you attach the tasks with the key results, the progress of key results automatically updates when you complete the tasks on Asana integration.

To associate Asana tasks with key results, please follow the below steps

1. Go to the key result and click on the actions menu (3 dots) next to each key result
2. Select Edit Key Result 
3. Click on Connect to Data Source
4. Select Asana from the list
5. Authorise your Asana account

6. Click on "Allow" to proceed ahead.

After the successful authorization, user can select the tasks from their workspace and connect more workspace available in the` Asana account.
User can select their tasks from the platform.
Click on the checkbox to select the task to associate with key result and click on "Link" button to associate the tasks
Click on Continue and Save on key result page.

Please ensure to Save the Key Result

User can see the key result which are associated with the Asana tasks on their progress bar as shown in below screenshot.
On clicking of this icon, you can see all the associated tasks and their status.

As you complete the tasks on the Asana integration, the progress of the key result automatically updates the progress based on the number of tasks.

Thank you for going through this guide and for any additional questions, please reach out to huminos at